<dt> : Description Term element


The <dt> element in HTML stands for “Description Term,” and it is used within a <dl> (Description List) element to define terms in a term-description pair. The <dt> element is typically followed by a <dd> (Description Definition) element that provides the description or definition of the term.

Here’s an example:

Output :

In this example, each <dt> element represents a term (e.g., HTML, CSS, JavaScript), and the corresponding <dd> element provides the description or definition of that term.

Key points about the <dt> element:

  1. It is used inside a <dl> element to mark up the terms in a description list.
  2. It is a block-level element.
  3. It is often followed by one or more <dd> elements that provide the description or definition associated with the term.
  4. The order of <dt> and <dd> elements within a <dl> defines the order of term-description pairs.

When creating a description list using <dl>, it’s important to maintain the semantic relationship between <dt> and <dd> elements. This allows browsers, screen readers, and other user agents to understand the structured content and present it in a meaningful way to users.

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