<figcaption> : Figure Caption element


The <figcaption> element in HTML is used to provide a caption or description for the content inside a <figure> element. The <figure> and <figcaption> elements are commonly used together to associate a caption with an image, diagram, video, or other content.

Here’s an example of how <figcaption> is used with <figure>:

Output :

In this example:

  • The <figure> element contains an <img> element representing an image.
  • The <figcaption> element provides a caption for that image.

Key points about the <figcaption> element:

1. Association with <figure>: It is typically used inside a <figure> element to provide a caption for the content within that figure.

2. Accessible Content: The caption inside <figcaption> is often used to provide additional context or information about the content, enhancing accessibility for users.

3. Multiple <figcaption> Elements: A single <figure> element can have multiple <figcaption> elements, each providing a caption for a specific piece of content within the figure.

4. Other Types of Content: While commonly used with images, <figcaption> can also be used with other types of content inside <figure>, such as videos, diagrams, or code snippets.

The combination of <figure> and <figcaption> provides a semantically meaningful way to associate captions with various types of content, making web documents more accessible and enhancing the user experience.

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