<input> : Input (Form Input) element


The <input> element is a fundamental part of HTML forms, allowing users to input data that can be submitted to a web server for processing. It is a versatile element with various types and attributes to handle different types of input.

Here is a basic example of the <input> element:

Output :

In this example:

  • type: Specifies the type of input. In the example, there are two inputs with types text and password.
  • id: Provides a unique identifier for the input element. This is often used in conjunction with a <label> element’s for attribute to associate the label with the input.
  • name: Defines the name of the input, which is used when submitting the form data to the server.
  • required: Indicates that the input must be filled out before submitting the form.

Common types of the <input> element include:

1. Text Input: Collecting single-line text input from the user, such as a username or search query.

2. Password Input: Collecting sensitive information like passwords, where the entered characters are obscured.

3. Checkbox: Allowing users to select multiple options or agree to terms and conditions.

4. Radio Buttons: For exclusive options where users can choose only one from a group of options.

5. Submit Button: Triggering the form submission to send user-entered data to the server for processing.

6. Reset Button: Resetting form fields to their default values.

7. File Input: Allowing users to upload files to the server.

8. Hidden Input: Storing data on the client side that is not meant to be visible or modifiable by the user.

9. Number Input: Accepting numerical input with optional constraints (minimum, maximum values).

The <input> element can have various attributes depending on its type and purpose, allowing developers to control behavior, validation, and appearance.

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